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          Drip films

          It%27s about 0.04mm- 0.06mm thick and is applicable for covering of crops in spring. It can effectively prevent the moisture inside the greenhouse film from forming fog points and can improve the light transmittance and temperature inside the greenhouse and promote plant growth (it can%27t be used in summer).

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                  白银市| 阳原县| 和林格尔县| 綦江县| 七台河市| 山西省| 滦平县| 江城| 甘肃省| 边坝县| 湘潭市| 宝清县| 德州市| 噶尔县| 克拉玛依市| 九寨沟县| 铜陵市| 天长市| 铁岭县| 勃利县| 涿鹿县| 都江堰市| 资源县| 墨江| 克拉玛依市| 忻州市| 苍梧县| 宜宾市| 沙河市| 南阳市| 濮阳市| 华池县| 伽师县| 金昌市| 丰原市| 阿图什市| 深泽县| 巫溪县| 白银市| 阜宁县| 龙州县|